Monday, June 3, 2013

Ibiza Donna swimwear model Olivia Karpinski shares her top fitness secrets! Get your bikini body after trying these tips

After interviewing Ibiza Donna swimwear model and former trainer for the WWE Diva’s Olivia Karpinski, I’ve learned top fitness advice and just about everything you need to know to get your best bikini body this summer. Olivia has been modeling since the age of five so staying in great shape has been a huge part of her life. She has experienced it all-“I lost 40 pounds and understand the challenges and triumphs of gaining and losing weight,” says Olivia. With summer quickly arriving, most people will head back to the gym. “It’s great to have an external motivator like having killer abs at the pool but it’s also important to have internal motivators that keep you healthy and strong year round!”
            So what exactly should we be doing for a great bikini body? Olivia recommends starting out a fitness journey where you find the right exercise you actually enjoy, such as Pilates, cardio, running, or Yoga. No matter the benefits of regular exercise, Olivia states that 80% of staying fit actually has to do with proper nutrition. “You can do hundreds of sit-ups but you can’t out sit-up or out workout a bad diet! She even launched her own nutrition program called “Body by Olivia,” which helps guide you through some of Olivia’s best advice for a nutritious diet and a healthy body. Here’s some of Olivia’s advice for eating right and getting fit:
            1.) Accountability: I recommend everyone keep a food journal. It’s easy to finish your child's goldfish, grab a handful of candy at work or binge eat without even realizing you’re doing it - and those calories add up! When I worked as a Senior Business Analyst, I kept a list on my desk. Now that I work as a freelance print and commercial model, stylist and nutrition coach, apps like "My Fitness Pal," help me stay on track and accountable. Find out what works for you! I also use my friends, family and social media to help keep me on track!
2.) Start small: Now that you know what your problem areas are, put a plan in place to be the best you that you can be! Luckily, you don't have to give up carbs or do hours of cardio... Phew! Moderation in everything is key! Find ways to move more and eat a little bit less. There are 3500 calories in a pound. Take your current weight and multiply it by 10 if you are sedentary, 11-12 if you are active, and 13-14 if you live a very active lifestyle. If you want to maintain your current weight,  that is roughly the amount of calories you need to consume. To lose weight, you want to create a 500 calorie deficit a day through a combination of diet and exercise. Start walking 20-30 minutes a day and if you trim your portion sizes a little or find food substitutes, you will peel off pounds in no time!
3.) Eat Fresh: I no longer count calories because I never eat processed foods. I eat produce in season - my summer favorites are blueberries, strawberries, bell peppers, butter lettuce, tomatoes, zucchini, and olive oil roasted asparagus and brussel sprouts. My lean proteins come from eggs, egg whites, tuna, salmon, white fish, turkey, chicken breast, and non-fat plain greek yogurt. I eat fats with every meal including olive oil, avocado, walnuts, and almonds. If we turned in to a food that we eat a lot, I would be an almond! I cook everything on Sunday nights and keep deli slices of turkey, hard boiled eggs, and cut up veggies as a quick grab and go snack.
4.) Metabolism: Everyone's metabolism is different – it’s what converts the food you eat to energy or stores it as fat. To keep your metabolism going, focus on eating low-glycemic small meals throughout the day and don't forget to drink water. This keeps your body from going in to starvation mode, and keeps your body from storing extra calories and sugar from a larger meal as fat! Foods like cayenne pepper, green tea, and coffee can help boost your metabolism.
5.) Work out! Nutrition comes first but when combined with a great exercise program, you can start seeing results in as little as a week! Start out with light cardio and find activities you love like hiking or Zumba. I am a runner and do interval sprints up Runyon Canyon in West Hollywood 3-4 times a week! Pilates are a great way to firm up and strengthen your core and do NOT be afraid to get in the weight room! Strength training will not make you big! The only thing that can make you bulky is your fork! Start out with small weights and work cardio like jump roping in between your sets. Work your abs once to twice a week and think quality over quantity for a strong core!

Olivia is in the process of launching her website so stay tuned to keep up with her travels, Hollywood events, and photo shoots as well as to get day to day fitness, nutrition, beauty, and fashion tips! Ever since her training with the WWE ended due to injuries, Olivia has been following her passion for fitness and pursuing becoming a Certified Personal Trainer in addition to print, spokes, and commercial modeling.  

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